czwartek, 13 grudnia 2012

abercrombie twin brothers as bros… topher ;)

abercrombie twin brothers as bros…  topher ;)

poniedziałek, 19 listopada 2012

Again, an image from a book somewhere, of twins that posed. I like the concept and added the drips. I think it has a dreamy quality. It sold pretty quick.

Again, an image from a book somewhere, of twins that posed. I like the concept and added the drips. I think it has a dreamy quality. It sold pretty quick.
Again, an image from a book somewhere, of twins that posed. I like the concept and added the drips. I think it has a dreamy quality. It sold pretty quick.



Tender Blossoms

Tender Blossoms

Benoit Marechal Adam & Steve? Benoit Marechal. Adam & Steve?

the current plane of man's existence?

And don't even get me started on TRIPLETS!

And don't even get me started on TRIPLETS! 



Normally, twins have two separate (di- being a numerical prefix for two) chorions and amniotic sacs.

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Hortoneda Twins



Gay-twins 7

Gay Twins

Gay twins 6

Oliver twins
Adrian And Ben Oliver Twins
Hortoneda Twins

Normally, twins have two separate (di- being a numerical prefix for two) chorions and amniotic sacs.

The degree of separation of the twins in utero depends on if and when they split into two zygotes.

Lane twins
The degree of separation of the twins in utero depends on if and when they split into two zygotes.

The Yoruba have the highest rate of twinning in the world, at 45 twins per 1,000 live births, possibly because of high consumption of a specific type of yam containing a natural phytoestrogen which may stimulate the ovaries to release an egg from each side.

Gay twins 5

Schoenenberg Twins

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Ryan and Justin Wood

The Cubin Twins



The twin birth rate in the United States is slightly above 32 twin live births per 1,000 live births.

Jonathan and Kevin Ferreira de Sampaio
The twin birth rate in the United States is slightly above 32 twin live births per 1,000 live births.

Twins can either be identical (in scientific usage, "monozygotic"), meaning that they develop from one zygote that splits and forms two embryos, or fraternal ("dizygotic") because they develop from two separate eggs that are fertilized by two separate sperm.


Brewers Twins

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